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In my inbox today was an article from Team Beachbody entitled, “9 Foods Not to Give Your Kids.” Without even reading the article, I headed straight here to type.
Something deeply disturbed me at a restaurant recently. You know those very large thick plastic cups (maybe 32 oz?) that they serve bottomless pop in? (yes, I know, soda for California!) We watched the most obese child I have ever seen (probably about 7 or 8 years old) downing several of these, but that wasn’t the worst part. His little sister, who couldn’t have …
Featured, Health Topics, Recipes »

How much calcium we really need is a topic for another day. The fact of the matter is, many people are in hot pursuit of calcium, and they fear that a milk-free diet will leave them void. A recent article from Care2Health proclaimed that in terms of calcium, “Collard Greens Have More than Milk.” So is this true? Could greens actually be a good bone-building source? Yes and no, and yes. Let me explain.
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, 1 cup of collard greens contains 357 mg of calcium versus …
Alisa's Journal, Featured, Just the Food »

Unless of course you are allergic to nuts, I consider them and their butter counterparts to be essentials in a dairy-free houshold. Richness, flavor, healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, these little gems have it all. Some, like almonds, even have a fair little dose of calcium and magnesium (famous as a bone-building duo).
I often make my own nut butters with the spice grinder, but I do pick up jars on occasion. For example, this past weekend I found an insane deal on these almond butters …
Guess how much I …
Alisa's Journal, Featured, Fitness & Fun, Recipes »

Wow, I have kept up with the Insanity workout program each day, but the real insanity was outside this weekend. I live in a tourist town, and it literally exploded this weekend with people. Our little town of oh, about 2000 or so full-time residents (with three stoplights total and one two-lane “highway” that runs through it) expands to an estimated 30,000+ on busy weekends. We attempted to hibernate, but it was futile … just too much going on.
But, my husband brilliantly found a wide open park with only about …
Alisa's Journal, Featured, Just the Food »

I constantly read blogs telling you that you can throw any greens in a smoothie and you won’t taste it. Lie, flat out lie. Unless your taste buds are dulled to some of the greens, you can taste many of them. For some, it is a matter of finding the right flavor combo, and for others … just. don’t. do it.
Don’t get me wrong, I started tossing spinach in our smoothies about five years ago. Both my husband and I love it and spinach is a truly close to neutral green. Though …
Alisa's Journal, Featured, Fitness & Fun, Just the Food »

Yesterday, I posted about how proud I was of my self control … like my old ways, I enjoyed mini-meals throughout Monday and was satisfied with one chocolate explosion cookie. Well that was Monday, and I am happy to say that I am human, and completely proud of that too. Yesterday (Tuesday) I had three of these nicely sized babies, and enjoyed every minute …
Fortunately, I am well passed the age of feeling guilty about some awesome cookies! Hmm, perhaps I should type up the recipe to post on One …
Alisa's Journal, Featured, Fitness & Fun, Just the Food »

My husband and I took some vacations in May and June, including a lot of time with family, so I took a blog break to allow me to mentally recharge and get ready to go. Fortunately, I always plan ahead, so you shouldn’t see a blip in the content at Go Dairy Free, even if I am away from the computer for two weeks!
But before we left on our last trip, I spotted Biz’s 101 Days of Summer Challenge and opted to join in … a little late of course (they …
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This summer is my first experience with a fruit CSA, and I must admit, I have no idea what to do with all of these apricots! Week after week the box is filled with those Vitamin A-rich gems – far more than the two of us can eat. Neither my husband nor I are big fans of cooked stone fruit, so we have been eating most out of hand. I’m not complaining mind you, since I know that apricot season is fleeting, but if you have an “raw” recipe ideas using apricots, …
Featured, Health Topics, Just the Food »

When the natural food section at my local supermarket expanded from three shelves to three full aisles two years ago, I got the strong impression that I was no longer one of the “few” consumers scrutinizing labels for all-natural and special diet foods. Demand is thankfully growing, and my favorite coupon site, Mambo Sprouts, used their marketing research team to find out what drives natural and organic food consumers.
The results were surprising and intriguing … for me at least. Check out the stats and see what groups your shopping habits …
Featured, Health Topics, Just the Food »

*This contest is closed, but feel free to read my review below*
I do consume probiotics each day, and recently became more diligent about it due to a round of antibiotics, so I was intrigued when I was contacted about Attune Foods. They make chocolate bars infused with probiotics. Hmm, eat chocolate – help tummy; that is a wonderful sounding relationship in theory. How was it in practice?
Attune places the following claim on their box: “Try 1 attune bar daily for 14 days – if you don’t feel a difference it’s FREE.” …