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Re-Fresh-ing Apricot Ginger Frosty

27 June 2010 6 Comments

This summer is my first experience with a fruit CSA, and I must admit, I have no idea what to do with all of these apricots! Week after week the box is filled with those Vitamin A-rich gems – far more than the two of us can eat. Neither my husband nor I are big fans of cooked stone fruit, so we have been eating most out of hand. I’m not complaining mind you, since I know that apricot season is fleeting, but if you have an “raw” recipe ideas using apricots, I would love to hear them!

Anyway, today I was sorting them, and came across some that were a bit overripe and bruised. I set them aside, and we headed out for a long walk … in the sun. Boy was I craving a cool and frosty one when we got back … it was only in the 70’s temperature-wise, but the sun at 7000 ft is seriously intense.

After cutting off the bruised spots, I fired those apricots in the blender along with some crushed ice, water, crystalized ginger, and a wee bit of pure stevia. It was sooo good!

Of course, in typical Alisa fashion, I had to make a pot of hot tea after finishing it – I am well known for adding way too much ice to all of my smoothies.

This isn’t really a full recipe, but more of a foodie concept for those of you (like me) who like apricots and ginger …

Fresh Apricot Ginger Frosty

Even ripe apricots have a slightly tart flavor, so expect a sweet-tart cooler with a punch of sweet ginger.

  • Pitted Fresh Ripe Apricots (4 or 5)
  • Water (I used about 1/3 cup – I like my beverage spoonable)
  • Crystalized Ginger (I used three pieces of the Trader Joe’s stuff)
  • Sweetener to Taste (Pure stevia went nicely, just a couple dashes – honey, sugar, agave, or liquid vanilla stevia would probably go nicely too – just add to taste)
  • Ice (as much as you like – I added at least a cup or more)

Place the apricots, water, and ginger in your blender, and process until relatively smooth. Add ice and sweetener to desired taste and texture. If you have a wimpy blender like mine, pulse the ice several times to help break it up. Also, the thicker you make the beverage, the more those wimpy blades will be able to grab the ice.

Yields 1 tall frosty one

Health Benefits: Apricots are rich in Vitamin A – in fact, the beverage above has about 3650 IU of Vitamin A (all in that great carotenoid form), or 73% of my daily requirement. According the to the World’s Healthiest Foods, “While vitamin A is best known for its vital role in vision, this vitamin also participates in physiological activities related to the immune system, maintenance of epithelial and mucosal tissues, growth, reproduction, and bone development.” Yes, strong bones depend on much more than calcium, so enjoy this summer fruit!

Do you have a refreshing favorite on a hot summer day?


  • Katie said:

    I just drink water with lemon juice and stevia in it. It is so satisfying and helps get the water in. That smoothie looks great though. I just finished a big container of apricots too…darn.

  • Natalie @ cinnamonbums said:

    what a great flavor combo! apricots & ginger – i definitely have to give that one a try. and this is such a great seasonal drink.. apricots are EVERYWHERE right now!

  • Dairy Free and Fit » Blog Archive » 60 Days of Insanity said:

    […] – This apricot frosty to get some natural electrolytes back in, sans the ginger this time […]

  • saxifrage said:

    Wonderful! I’ve been making smoothies for myself every morning over the past week or so and actually just asked for more smoothie ideas in my most recent blog post. I’m totally trying this one!

  • Pure2raw twins said:

    I love all types of smoothies…this one looks great! Love apricots, and especially love ginger!!

  • One Frugal Foodie » Spiced Apricot-Cashew Smoothie said:

    […] Fresh Apricot Ginger Frosty […]