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Amazing Grass Winner and More Scrumptious Sunflower Seed Recipes …

26 April 2010 5 Comments

The entries are closed and we had a total of 256 comments and 133 email subscribers. I consulted Random.org and the following winner was chosen …

SallyH is our winner! She commented, “I’m seriously like a teenager here, all OMGs and ROTFing at this giveaway–and I’m a 38 year old mom! Seriously, I love Amazing Grass. I will swear to anyone that it has kept me from getting massively sick this winter since my preschooler brings home so many germs and gets mucho illnesses. Speaking of him, he is allergic to milk protein and that’s why we go dairy-free and I’ve been a fan of that blog for a while now. Back to Amazing Grass…I just bought the Amazing Meal since I don’t like to have whey protein in the house (emergency room visit for the kid if he gets a hold of it) and my 5 year old likes it! So I’m all geared up to try the Kidz version now. Ooh, pick me! pick me, oh random selection thingy.” ~ Wow, it worked Sally! Congratulations.

Remember, email subscribers always get an automatic entry into the giveaways, but you must confirm your subscription (via the email your receive when you sign up) in order to be eligible! You can quickly subscribe to this blog (for an email update when a new post goes up) using this form page.

Now, I got a late start to my day, and had to do a round-up post too. So though I don’t have a great deal of new content for you today, I do have a great sunflower seed recipe post over at One Frugal Foodie to share with you. It includes my own recipes and some great contributions from other sunflower seed fans.

I shall be back with another new post very soon!

Alisa’s Fit Log: This week I took it a bit easier, taking a rest from the skiing last week and enjoying the good weather (long overdue!) to go for some long walks with my husband.

  • Monday – Ab Ripper from P90X (350 sit-ups) + Rest Day (lots of skiing last week!)
  • Tuesday – Legs & Back Workout from P90X (1 hour)
  • Wednesday – Cardio X from P90X (45 min)
  • Thursday – Stretch / Light Yoga (1 hour)
  • Friday – 3 mile walk with Tony + Ab Ripper from P90X
  • Saturday – 5 mile walk with Tony
  • Sunday – Rest day

    • Julie @ Pickley Pear said:

      Long walks are the best! Congrats to Sally!
      You like P90X? I have been debating starting it – maybe next winter?!

    • Katie said:

      Don’t think I knew that you do p90x. Did you do the whole program or are you just free-flowing it? I am in week 8 – LOVE IT!!

    • SallyH @ acountablelife.wordpress.com said:

      You are freaking kidding me!!! SERIOUSLY?? Wow, this is out of this world! I’m so excited. Thank you, random selection thingy, and thank you, Alisa for offering this great giveaway!

    • Blessed « A Countable Life said:

      […] I found out that I won the Amazing Grass giveaway on Dairy Free and Fit, I got all flutter-y inside and thought, “I’m so blessed!” […]

    • Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) said:

      congrats to the winner and i forgot to link THIS site of yours to my post, too. whoops. You’re just so popular I can hardly keep all of your “media outlets” straight anymore…kidding 🙂

      Anyway Aunt Alisa, let’s play. I can hear that now. I am the grown up that says, ummm, ask daddy 🙂