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Articles Archive for August 2010

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[16 Aug 2010 | 6 Comments | ]
Lightly Sweetened Summer Sippers

Last week I addressed the topic of healthy beverage alternatives to drinking cow’s milk. Milk alternatives, herbal tea, 100% juices, and of course, lots of good old-fashioned water topped the list, but sometimes, especially in summer, I do crave a little something special. We do our best to avoid soda pop and drinks loaded with sugar, but when on vacation or at the store after a long walk, my husband and I sometimes treat ourselves to one of these …

IZZE Sparkling Juices – We happened upon these delicious beverages by …

Just the Food, Recipes »

[11 Aug 2010 | 10 Comments | ]
Are Sprouted Nuts and Nut Butters Better?

Oddly enough, I didn’t really like nuts as a kid, so I pretty much avoided them for most of my life. But, when I went strictly dairy-free I discovered their magical powers for creaminess, sweetness, and as a good protein / fat snack when things like string cheese were not on the munchy menu.
But have you noticed the nut butter explosion? Apparently I’m not the only one taking notice, because swarms of companies are emerging with various nut and seed butter blend. I’ve sampled a few, and all have their …