Are You a Walker or a Runner?
Sometimes I feel a bit in the minority as I cruise healthy living blogs. Runners abound, but my running days are long past … and I definitely don’t miss them.
I gave up the pavement pounding around the ripe old age of 21, when my knees simply couldn’t take the repetitive forward motion (soft surface or not). I was still very active, playing soccer a few times a week for years and years, as the side to side motion and occasional sprints were no problem at all. Soccer too has become a memory, but walking and hiking have become my new passion.
I’m actually quite into the Paleo / Primal philosophy – lift heavy things, sprint occasionally, play, and walk a lot / be generally active. My husband and I walk at least 1.5 miles every day, but we have been known to log well over ten miles in a day just meandering around. We don’t necessarily power walk … we simply go at the pace our legs want to take us that day … often with groceries or mail in tow … my husband even walks the dolly to the post office with loads of books to ship a couple of times a week (usually over 100 lbs per trip!). Luckily, it’s a small town, so we don’t get too many funny looks. Our general rule of thumb is if it is within 1 mile of our home (often 2 miles), we walk … snowstorm or not! Okay, we wuss out if it’s really bad, but truthfully, that is rare. Walking has become not only our daily activity, but also a source of relaxation, stress release, and a good time to chat. And, amazingly enough, it seems to work wonders for our general fitness!
So I am curious, what powers your legs, running or walking? What do you get from it? Are you addicted to the runner high or the meditative powers of walking?
On a foodie note, thank you all for the great comments yesterday on my personal “sugar-free challenge” post! Day 1 went well (okay, it was very torturous at times), and amazingly enough, my cravings are already fading. Not once this morning have I thought to go for a handful of chocolate chips (yes, I probably would have done that by now on a normal day!).
Also, I am guest blogging today over at the Attune Foods … about my other healthy living goals and of course, I couldn’t resist including a recipe. Check it out and feel free to let me know about your healthy living goals on that post!
Definitely a walker, what with strollers and baby carriers, etc. Hard to believe I ran cross country in high school. ๐
While not going sugar-free, I am trying to cut back on sugar a lot now that the holidays are over. The first few days were rough!
I’m definitely a walker also, but that’s partially because I never was really into running. I played soccer for years and years, so when I run with a purpose (i.e. to get a soccer ball) I am content, but I just cannot run for running’s sake, it bores the heck out of me! haha. So I walk a lot and I love hiking, and I’ll bike ride for miles on end. I still feel like I should enjoy running more than I do, probably just because everyone else seems to ๐
I have never been a runner, though I do wish I could do it more – even just to know what the runner high means. BUt invariably something starts hurting soon into a run. One of my goals this year is to get fitted for new running shoes and give it a go again. I am hopeful things will be easier now that I have lost weight (though, even when I was anywhere close to this weight before, running was a challenge).
That said, I am such a walker. I walk to work everyday (about a 10 minute walk) and used to walk to work when it was a 30 minute walk. I love walking. Living in downtown Washington, DC makes that easier – we walk everywhere. Even if I run more this year, I will still be a walker.
I used to be a runner, and killed my knees and hips while doing it. Now, I am actually more of a biker. I always think about walking, and then think, well, a bike would get me there faster. Walking is great if you have company though.
Now, hiking? I could do that every single day.
love the paleo/primal philosophy. Still quite the runner, but am careful of the pace/HR. And must avoid all the pavement!
I think that the technical term for what I am is “lazy bum”. In 2008 I went to the gym almost every day for 40m on the elliptical, but then I had my ongoing foot issues where I could only walk and I’m having a really hard time convincing myself to get back into exercise. Help needed… ๐
I love to walk. The meditative powers of walking really make it so desirable for me. Oftentimes I don’t even consider walking as exercise because I enjoy it so much!
Wow, you walk a lot. That’s great. I probably would too if I worked from home- ah the perks… But I’m with you on the running. I used to be an addict but have learned that there are far better ways to treat my body besides pounding the pavement via running. Although, a good run really does help clear my thoughts! Or invite them in, whichever. ๐
[…] The rest is here: Dairy Free and Fit ยป Are You a Walker or a Runner? […]
I walk everywhere within a couple of miles. Other than that I take the bus. Walking has been my salvation this last year and I’d miss it terribly if the time ever came when I couldn’t do it. Glad I’m not the only one.
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